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Michael Red – 9 of Cats EP (lowi 010)





the tenth release from low indigo. suiting that (ahem) michael red would bring the label he initiated into the double digits. four distinctly different pieces, threaded together by common metaphors and mindsets and a slower quiet mood. muted rhythms, immersive bass, subtle and not-so-subtle dub references, hints of melody, large echoing spaces and delicately shifting atmospheres.the current state of earth and humanity is a common theme, viewed through a contemplative, often dreamlike, lense. ..observing accelerating urban worlds through a portal (all works were created on the sunshine coast, bc), while feeling the earth directly through the immediate natural environment. ‘9 of cats’ is a deep dive, with four abstract videos from giorgio magnanensi (a pillar in vancouver’s new music and experimental scene) to enhance the experience even further.’why’ was created with simplicity and immediacy in mind. “why” is a question asked to the world (“why are things the way they are?”) and also it’s answer (“this is why..”, “why: ..”). the dualistic question and response is with a certain sorrow, but also grounded and accepting. the overly gentle mood represents natural balance, the unending pulse of time represented by the bass, with an eerie tone in the far background warning of the potential chaos that could break at any moment.
‘gwey from’ is an expression on the current state of earth. it views the more destructive side, earthquakes, large scale catastrophe, violence and suffering, …..and the massive aching beauty of it all. a world dying, swirling and collapsing into itself, while a world is re-born. the sound of evolution in progress and an even larger hope. gwey is “go away” in patois. so the literal translation “go away from” is an example of the basic ignorance that brought this current world to it’s destructive end, but also an example of transcendence beyond literal language and feeling the correct meaning (new ways in a new world).
‘slow motion’ and ‘sirens’ are less grandiose in their intentions. though ‘sirens’ also works with a double meaning, drawing parallels between police sirens and sirens in a mythological sense. police sirens could serve as beacons to energies drawn to more volatile situations, for example.
further statements on the release can be found in discorder’s feb 2016 feature
1 – why
2 – gwey from
3 – slow motion
4 – sirenstotal playing time: 20:54
all songs written by michael red
mastered by beau thomas
artwork by souns
video by giorgio magnanensi
available at bandcampitunesjunobeatport,
and other stores : april 8 2016
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