The enhanced drone of my hotel room at 4am interiority… I believe that’s about the inability to talk about the things we wish we could but we can’t really express; things we try to express, communicate, project in a sentimental way, where sentimentality doesn’t really represent the inexplicable and it’s just a faint illusory form of it. What I’m trying...

audiopolaroid Castello di Bazzano, May 1998 Massimo Mariani electric guitar, Walter Zanetti nylon string & electric guitar, Marco Ruggeri synth & voice, Giorgio Magnanensi live electronics A very oniric synth-pop/space electronica. A reunion is due! …plus some Canadian additions ; ) mp3 [Download] ...

Horseshoe Bay TRAIN HB [Download] Doug Schmidt called me one night many years ago, as he wanted me to record these magnificent sounds. Recorded around midnight under the train tracks at Horseshoe Bay. A very long train on a very wide hill curve. Beautiful! Thank you Doug ; ) Every time i listen to this recording I remember these few lines by Milan...

Vancouver A remix of sounds recorded at the old Sugar Refinery in 2001. sugar refinery rmx [Download] One morning I went with Doug Schmidt (a great musician, friend and wonderful accordion virtuoso, check this one out) to do some recording at the Sugar Refinery. The idea was then to remix samples to one of our duo improvisations of the time (btw, I miss playing...