LABORATORIO LABORATORIO Arts Society is a non-profit arts organization based on the Sunshine Coast of British Columbia. LABORATORIO’s mandate is to foster art works in which actual dialogical experiences (i.e., dialogues of various kinds) take place. By acknowledging the importance of dialogic modalities of art, LABORATORIO wishes to promote new aesthetic values such as creative improvisation, interactivity and real-time remote interaction. LABORATORIO springs from...
One last beautiful day in the forest with some beautiful sounds, caviidae, othoptera, sinewaves, pinknoise and with some friends playing together. A wonderful ending, hoping to be back in the forest very soon. Trees within trees, resonating trees… a really wonderful time breathing in and resounding within. We need to remember – every single moment – how this kind of beautiful lives really are...
Circling Towards a Possible Present is a new media installation by Matthew Talbot-Kelly consisting of three interactive, game-engine driven and on-the-fly rendered figurative portraits. The work sits at the intersection of portraiture, film, theatre and video game traditions. It plays with and subverts the expectation of portraiture & interactive 3d games, while considering the inherent theatrical, filmic and painterly dimensions and expectations of these...
Roberts Creek, July 22-23 SOUNDGARDEN 2 info sonification of #9761: 9761 loop [Download] here some images from last year’s soundgarden and some comments “Quite simply, the soundgarden was magical. Giorgio and Nic animated a familiar moon-kissed forest stream nook into a hallucinatory theatre of perception. Carefully choreographed, immersive, interactive, contemplative, and generous, the work playfully encouraged us to unexpected...
Come Saturday April 2, to the Roberts Creek Hall A stellar ensemble of musicians performing 15 new one-page graphic scores Doors open at 7:30PM, show starts at 8:00PM Roberts Creek Community Hall Download and Fold your brochure Here are some images of yesterday’s workshop drafting graphic scores Dean Schutz with workshop participants Maurice Spira with workshop participants Giorgio Magnanensi with workshop...
PAINTING MUSIC • ONE-PAGE SCORE a new installment of one-page score on the Sunshine Coast Workshop Leaders François Houle, Clarinet • Eyvind Kang, Viola • Giorgio Magnanensi, Conduction Lisa Cay Miller, Keys • Dean Schutz, Visual Artist • Maurice Spira, Visual Artist A stellar ensemble of 12 local, Vancouver and International musicians ONE-PAGE SCORE ENSEMBLE Doug Gorkoff, Cello François Houle, Clarinet & Electronics Eyvind...
an Ambient Sound Event with: Elisa Ferrari • voice, books, zither and singing bowls Andrew Bate & John Brennan • resonant percussions Giorgio Magnanensi • sinewaves and cedar flat audiopanels The Gumboot Cafe, Roberts Creek – October 10, 2015 • 8PM Some info about and images of the Cedar Flat Audiopanels: CEDAR PANELS...
September 6, 2015 • The Gumboot Cafe, Roberts Creek 8pm anne-f jacques anne-f is a sound artist and bike mechanic, working with amplified objects, electricity, scratching, rubbing and sound collages. She lives in Montréal and she is interested in amplification, erratic sound reproduction devices and construction of various contraptions and idiosyncratic systems. She often performs, alone and in various collectives (including Minibloc...
soundgarden, an audio visual installation by Giorgio Magnanensi and Nicolas Teichrob along the lower reaches of Malcolm Creek, in Roberts Creek. An interactive performance environment using multiple video projections, live interactive video and live electronics. soundgarden, an audio visual interactive installation I’m doing in late June/early July with Giorgio Magnanensi (a sound wizard). !#teaser #sunshinecoastbc #robertscreek #nature #bcac A video posted by NicolasTeichrobPhoto...