Happy Holidays! (…this is for Bradshaw) Here below a series of frames processed with a pixel sorting and a 3D jitter patch. For the 3d images use RED&CYAN glasses, Frames captured from a simulation of galaxy formation‘s video found on the ILLUSTRIS website. galax 1 galax 2 galax 3 galax 4 galax 5 galax 6 galax 7 galax 8 galax 9 galax 10 galax 3d1 galax 3d2...

pixel sorting a clip from the TNG site. The IllustrisTNG project is a suite of state-of-the-art cosmological galaxy formation simulations. Each simulation in IllustrisTNG evolves a large swath of a mock Universe from soon after the Big-Bang until the present day while taking into account a wide range of physical processes that drive galaxy formation. The simulations can be used to study a broad...

a project with Kedrick James selected for the virtual gallery exhibit at Lakehead University, Thunder Bay 2015-2016 Featured Artist Researchers The Featured Artist Researchers are selected by the jurors from open submissions. These researchers represent innovative arts integrated research from around the world. Kedrick James & Giorgio Magnanensi Series Title: Incessant Spring Medium: Transformed video data and stills University of British Columbia, Vancouver New Music, Laboratio...