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circuit bending workshop

Posted on May 9, 2014 in Circuit Bending · Glitch, News | 0 comments
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While in Halifax next week I’ll be presenting a circuit bending workshop at The Centre For Art Tapes (CFAT). Here some toys I’ll be bringing there. Hidden under La Dictée Magique (French version of the Speak & Spell) Nicolas Collins’ great book Handmade Electronic Music.





Circuit bending is the art of creatively short circuiting audio electronics in order to uncover exciting new functionality and invent novel new sound/noise interfaces. It is a fun and experimental process, which is especially appealing to artists and musicians who wish to work with electronics but find the math and physics of traditional engineering unappealing.More info on circuit bending can be found here:

Location: Centre for Art Tapes – 2238 Maitland Street, Halifax

Date: Thursday, May 15

Time: 6 – 8 pm 

What: You must bring a cheap thrift store battery powered electronic sound toy and batteries. The older the toy the better!

Eg. Battery operated transistor radios, keyboards, toys that sing etc.

Where to look: Salvation Army, Goodwill, Value Village, Frenchy’s, etc.

CFAT will provide the rest of the components needed to complete this workshop.

 Why: Our culture seems often too worried about people only as consumers. Many of us live according the principle that “if it’s broken or old you must buy a new one.” Circuit bending helps to empower people to creatively engage in sound exploration, listening and in collaborative sound creation.

Registration: $20 – Register at:


CFAT workshop

CFAT workshop


In this workshop participants will be introduced to the basic principles and practices of circuit bending. We will talk about what to look for when opening circuits and how to find the best modifications as well as how to use the necessary tools correctly. Our goal is to guide every participant through the process of modifying a simple sound-making device. Devices must be simple, battery powered and must already make some sound. Children’s toys work the best.

CFAT is pleased to collaborate with Suddenly Listen to offer this workshop.  The workshop is made possible through Mr. Magnanensi’s visit to Halifax to perform in Suddenly Listen’s upcoming concert, Waves, Strings and Wires on May 16, 8 pm, at The Bus Stop Theatre.

Giorgio Magnanensi was born and raised in Italy. He currently lives in Roberts Creek on the Sunshine Coast of British Columbia, Canada.  His diverse artistic practice includes composition, conducting, improvisation, circuit bending and video art. He is artistic director of Vancouver New Music and Laboratorio, and he is lecturer at the School of Music of the Vancouver Community College.


…a little experiment with the picture of the toys ; )



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