Distribution Religion & COPY-IT-RIGHT
Dan Sandin and Phil Morton began to work together to create the schematic plans for the Sandin Image Processor, a document they called the Distribution Religion. Through the Distribution Religion, Sandin open sourced his Sandin Image Processor, giving the plans away for only the cost of making Xerox copies and mailing them while incorporating any additions or modifications made by those who built their own Sandin Image Processor into any further releases of the Distribution Religion
Morton* developed an approach he called COPY-IT-RIGHT, an anti-copyright approach to making and freely sharing Media art. The Distribution Religion and Morton’s individual and collaborative Media art works were released under his COPY-IT-RIGHT license. COPY-IT-RIGHT encouraged people to make faithful copies, caring for and distributing the work as widely as possible.
(*) Scroll down the alphabetic archive to find Phil Morton’s documents