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music for large spaces

Posted on May 3, 2010 in Video | 0 comments

Thirteen Vancouver musicians perform contemporary compositions written for large spaces.

Presented by onetwothreefourfivesixseven.
Musicians are stationed on multiple floors inside a four-storey atrium at the Vancouver Community College. The players – Adam Basanta: guitar | Elise Boeur: violin | Daryn Cassie: synthesizer | Alice Hamilton: saxophone | Lee Hutzulak: electronics | Kels Joudrey: clarinet | John Kastelic: viola | Giorgio Magnanensi: electronics & conduction | John Mutter: guitar | Kevin Romain: percussion | Jon Siddall: guitar | Mark Whitmore: trombone | Jonathon Wilcke: saxophone.All sound and video recorded in the Atrium and remixed by Lee Hutzulak.

onetwothreefourfivesixseven is a series for improvised and experimental music presented by The Blanket Orchestra

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