radical times
…matters to consider
“Troppo facile la disperazione; più difficile contribuire al restauro.” (Luciano Anceschi)
“Desperation is too easy, more difficult is to contribute to the restoration” (Luciano Anceschi)
food for thought:
Dear Hooligans | The Vancouver Observer
Time for the NHL to join soul-searching over the Stanley Cup riot
Riot On 2011! | Vancouver Media Co-op
Vancouver hockey riot is a symptom of a larger problem | Vancouver, Canada | Straight.com
Understanding Vancouver’s “Hockey Riot” | Mostly Water
TV spin can’t hide Vancouver’s dark underbelly
Spectacular Vancouver conquers itself | The Mainlander
SPECIAL: The Real Face of Vancouver | Facebook
more matters to consider:
Francesco Aquilini on Gordon Campbell and the state of B.C. | Vancouver Magazine
Francesco Aquilini – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia