BENT: A Showcase of Circuit Bending at VIVO Saturday, November 7th . Doors at 7pm. Featuring over 15 artists/hackers and musicians, this evening is a showcase of Vancouver artists and makers exploring the art of circuit bending. There will be a circuit playground, a “Show and Tell” of different projects, and performances throughout the evening. …a nice reunion, ten year later… Shawn Cashin, Kedrick James,...

Extreme modding of Astrocade ROMs. It must be an age thing that make me love the rawness of these pixels so much; but if you need more virtuality, put on a pair of RED & CYAN 3D glasses and project it on any large/not flat surface available, with very loud and diffused sound. ...

I’m starting a project around Palaoa, using video clips from the webcam and creating/morphing these beautiful visual and sounding landscapes. Thank you to the Alfred Wegener Institute, Germany for giving me permission to use these materials for this purpose. Check the PALAOA Webcam and the Live Audiostream ...

Here is a nice glitched video after hacking a codec. Thank you Nick Briz for the GlitchCodec Tutorial and for sharing your thoughts and tools. “If nature has made any one thing less susceptible than all others of exclusive property, it is the action of the thinking power called an idea, which an individual may exclusively possess as long as he keeps...

playing with Photoshop bending an image, inspired by Jason Irla’s Databending Studies (see below). I’ll try with more colorful images soon. original image: various steps of data bending: more on data bending Jason Irla, who shared his experiments in DATABENDING STUDIES 001 and offers this list of other sharing artists. staAllio!‘s databending primers: http://blog.animalswithinanimals.com/2008/08/databending-and-glitch-art-primer-part.html http://blog.animalswithinanimals.com/search/label/primers Rosa Menkman: http://rosa-menkman.blogspot.com/ also...