Looking for electric guitar players and electric bass players willing to have some fun with this one-page score I wrote years ago for Ron Samworth in a short 3 minutes interlude of a larger piece for the great Hard Rubber Orchestra. If I get a few versions it would be fun to create a remix of all the various takes. I hope someone out...
an old recording • 1996 Walter Zanetti & Giorgio Magnanensi electric guitars mp3 [Download] I found this old recording (an earlier version of the final track of m&m 01) which at that time I remixed using the podx system in Vancouver in February 1997. It brings back lots of memories and sounds....
for bass recorder and electric guitar dedicated to Elena Casoli and Antonio Politano aura Seguo il segno che la mano imprime sul foglio, tutto ciò che si muove e non ha nome. Scrivo per quella parte di me che in qualsiasi altro luogo dovrei cancellare: nel silenzio della parola che accoglie il canto, in cerca di un orizzonte dove il riflesso...