Franco Donatoni (Verona, June 9, 1927 • Milano, August 17, 2000) ARGOT • two pieces for solo violin (1979) Silvia Mandolini, Violin Recorded in Bologna • August 16, 2020 • Chiesa dei Santi Cosma e Damiano Video: Alma Napolitano & Marco Mangani My dear friend and fantastic violinist Silvia Mandolini sent me this recording today, to remember and honour Franco Donatoni in the...
Ten years ago I wrote this short piece as a little homage to a great man, musician and friend, Franco Donatoni. Today, almost 10 years later, I’m thinking about Franco again in the 20th anniversary of his passing. The piece was written for the mdi ensemble which performed at the Venice Biennale in September 2010 in a program dedicated to Franco who passed away twenty...
“Portare alla coscienza i propri schemi di pensiero, lacci, vincoli, impedimenti da rappresentare per conoscere meglio la prigione dove vivere il meglio possibile; è assai più fecondo che esercitare il pensiero nell’invenzione di schemi.” (Franco Donatoni) “Bringing to consciousness our own thinking schemes, laces, ties – impediments to represent, so to better understand the prison where we can live the best possible life –...