Here’s some explorations with the great Erd / Worm by Martin Howse Definitely one of my favorite modules so far View this post on Instagram A post shared by Giorgio Magnanensi (@giominz) View this post on Instagram A post shared by Giorgio Magnanensi (@giominz) View this post on Instagram A post shared by Giorgio...

with Jade plant’s random voltage, Pressure Points, Scíon and a rewired FM Buddha Machine and a παιάν for Constantine Katsiris testing FSR with rotary switch (Sept 2022) View this post on Instagram A post shared by Giorgio Magnanensi (@giominz) with FSR box View this post on Instagram A post shared by Giorgio Magnanensi (@giominz) ...

Going back 20 years tonight… These toys were already 25yo when I got them and they are still up and running after so long. I’m not sure what happened to all the circuitbenders active in Vancouver in the very early 2000’s, but meanwhile hacking electronics has been already expanding beyond that. In any case, this is nothing nostalgic, …we flow, as always, like leaves...

for Walter I played this Washburn Eagle a lot in the early 90’s with my dearest friend and beautiful musician and guitarist Walter Zanetti. It has been long waiting in a corner in my room, and tonight it called me back… I’m not a guitar player, as you can see…, but i love the energy and the sounds i can find with it....

I finally repurposed a few old and broken transistor radios into some nice noise machines 01. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Giorgio Magnanensi (@giominz) 02. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Giorgio Magnanensi (@giominz) 03. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Giorgio Magnanensi (@giominz)...

AUDIOSFERA AUDIOSPHERE Social Experimental Audio, Pre- and Post-InternetCollective Exhibition Sound piece selected : Very Glitchy PatchMuseo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía • Madrid, Spain14 October, 2020 – 11 January, 2021 /Sabatini Building, Floor 3 Curated by Francisco LópezAUDIOSPHERE Sound Experimentation 1980-2020 AUTHORS: Francisco López, Thomas Bey William Bailey, Margie Borschke, Victor Nubla, Luis Alvarado, Guy Marc Hinant, Salomé Voegelin, Caleb Kelly, Paul...

a project with Kedrick James selected for the virtual gallery exhibit at Lakehead University, Thunder Bay 2015-2016 Featured Artist Researchers The Featured Artist Researchers are selected by the jurors from open submissions. These researchers represent innovative arts integrated research from around the world. Kedrick James & Giorgio Magnanensi Series Title: Incessant Spring Medium: Transformed video data and stills University of British Columbia, Vancouver New Music, Laboratio...

BENT: A Showcase of Circuit Bending at VIVO Saturday, November 7th . Doors at 7pm. Featuring over 15 artists/hackers and musicians, this evening is a showcase of Vancouver artists and makers exploring the art of circuit bending. There will be a circuit playground, a “Show and Tell” of different projects, and performances throughout the evening. …a nice reunion, ten year later… Shawn Cashin, Kedrick James,...

Extreme modding of Astrocade ROMs. It must be an age thing that make me love the rawness of these pixels so much; but if you need more virtuality, put on a pair of RED & CYAN 3D glasses and project it on any large/not flat surface available, with very loud and diffused sound. ...

I’m starting a project around Palaoa, using video clips from the webcam and creating/morphing these beautiful visual and sounding landscapes. Thank you to the Alfred Wegener Institute, Germany for giving me permission to use these materials for this purpose. Check the PALAOA Webcam and the Live Audiostream ...

Here is a nice glitched video after hacking a codec. Thank you Nick Briz for the GlitchCodec Tutorial and for sharing your thoughts and tools. “If nature has made any one thing less susceptible than all others of exclusive property, it is the action of the thinking power called an idea, which an individual may exclusively possess as long as he keeps...

a few great sites to check: http://fa-g.org/2013 http://www.maadonna.com/ http://kimasendorf.tumblr.com/ http://claudiamate.com/2013/projects/threejs-playgnd/ http://www.emiliogomariz.net/ http://www.rollinleonard.com/ http://www.manuelfernandez.name/ http://miyovanstenis.tk/ http://bmruernpnhay.com/ http://www.geoffreylillemon.info/ http://timefly-exist.tumblr.com/ http://gifwrapping.net/ http://yearoftheglitch.tumblr.com/ http://www.birdog.es/#en/ http://nznzweb.tumblr.com/ ...

playing with Photoshop bending an image, inspired by Jason Irla’s Databending Studies (see below). I’ll try with more colorful images soon. original image: various steps of data bending: more on data bending Jason Irla, who shared his experiments in DATABENDING STUDIES 001 and offers this list of other sharing artists. staAllio!‘s databending primers: http://blog.animalswithinanimals.com/2008/08/databending-and-glitch-art-primer-part.html http://blog.animalswithinanimals.com/search/label/primers Rosa Menkman: http://rosa-menkman.blogspot.com/ also...

While in Halifax next week I’ll be presenting a circuit bending workshop at The Centre For Art Tapes (CFAT). Here some toys I’ll be bringing there. Hidden under La Dictée Magique (French version of the Speak & Spell) Nicolas Collins’ great book Handmade Electronic Music. CIRCUIT BENDING WORKSHOP WITH GIORGIO MAGNANENSI Circuit bending is the art of creatively short circuiting audio electronics in order...

I have been asked a few times in the past weeks why I think is important to present these forms of sonic (but not only audio) explorations. One of the reasons why I think is important to pay attention to this kind of activity is that hacking and circuit-bending – like exploring – are the glitchy metaphors resonating with John Cage’s invitation to embrace...

VNM festival 2012 Vancouver New Music Festival Circuit Cabaret Thursday, October 18 to Saturday, October 20, 2012 | 8PM each night Scotiabank Dance Centre (677 Davie St.) Tickets $20 regular, $15 students/seniors, 3-day passes $50/$35 Available at www.brownpapertickets.com or 1-800-838-3006, and at the door. Circuit Cabaret, the 2012 VNM Festival, will explore the world of hacked and homemade electronics and...

Save Before It’s Gone (2006) SAVE BEFORE IT’S GONE is an experimental magazine created in 3 days during the Public01 art festival at the MAP Brussels organised by the OKNO.BE organisation. The magazine features interviews with DIRK PAESMANS (JODI.ORG), MAJA KUZMANOVIC (F0.AM), DARKO FRITZ (media artist and curator), ANDREI SMIRNOV (Theremin Center) and bits from the IRC chat moderated by Alejandra Nunez Perez and...

Ligature (excerpt) at NIME 2015 circuit-bent toys on a multiple speaker set up. Live spatialization by Chris Rolfe mp3 [Download] Paul Lehrman’s NIME05 Report NIME “There was no uncertainty in the next piece, Ligature, by Giorgio Magnanensi, an Italian-born composer who now lives in Vancouver. Seated at the FOH console in the middle of the audience, and looking like a cross between Albert Einstein and Napolean...

experimenting with randomizers sound experiment for an upcoming collaboration with Joost Rekveld live-visuals performance at the VNM Festival 2010. mp3 [Download] I used an original patch by mesa.elec/tele @ http://ondomusic.com/ modified with randomizers and filters. Check Joost Rekveld’s great work HERE...

full circle Personum Sound installation for an interactive performance space using circuit-bent toys and multichannel spatialization The Scotiabank Dance Centre – The Faris Family Studio 677 Davie Street, Vancouver February 6–15, 2006 • 1pm–7pm (free entrance) Performances: Friday 10, Sunday 12 • 8pm (free entrance) Workshop: Sunday 12 • 2pm–5pm (free entrance by submission) An open work of art can be interpreted...