this one is for Larry @dronefinger and Rene @basssleeper ”Sounds of every sort are surging incessantly through the air. When we walk by the seaside, a salty tang of brine enters our mouth ; when we watch a draught of wormwood being mixed in our presence, a bitter effluence touches it. So from every object flows a stream of matter, spreading out in all...

with Jade plant’s random voltage, Pressure Points, Scíon and a rewired FM Buddha Machine and a παιάν for Constantine Katsiris testing FSR with rotary switch (Sept 2022) View this post on Instagram A post shared by Giorgio Magnanensi (@giominz) with FSR box View this post on Instagram A post shared by Giorgio Magnanensi (@giominz) ...

for Walter I played this Washburn Eagle a lot in the early 90’s with my dearest friend and beautiful musician and guitarist Walter Zanetti. It has been long waiting in a corner in my room, and tonight it called me back… I’m not a guitar player, as you can see…, but i love the energy and the sounds i can find with it....

We finally started our research and experiments with the interactive floor. After testing and experimenting for sometime with a variety of smaller settings, this is finally a prototype for a possibly larger floor and walls system that I look forward to developing with Josh Martin, and sharing it with everyone in the near future. ...

A distant collaboration with Vicky Mettler (aka Kee Avil) presented by Sawdust Collector and Barking Sphinx View this post on Instagram A post shared by Sawdust Collector (@heysawdustcollector) View this post on Instagram A post shared by Sawdust Collector (@heysawdustcollector) ºººº Sawdust Collector and Barking Sphinx Performance Present ºººº FieldTrips • May 2021 Weekly Releases, Tuesdays at 9:30 pm • May 4...

Testing a prototype floor/touch board, to use with dancers in a future project I’ll expand this to a 5’x8′ floor with at least 2 piezos to drive Max/MSP, and possibly run multichannel audio out in 8 wood resonators. It should be pretty fun and engaging both to use and watch/listen. …hopefully sometime in a not too distant future : ) …with the blippoo box...

3 short improvisations using touch on a sitka spruce cloud with piezo to trigger various kinds of audioprocessing in a max msp patch. …and here below using a plywood board …”dream machine” driven by plywood View this post on Instagram A post shared by Giorgio Magnanensi (@giominz) View this post on Instagram A post shared by Giorgio...

This would have been such a wonderful evening. Alas, due to the COVID 19 pandemic, it never happened… MARCH 28, 2020 at the ANNEX Experience the beautiful sounds of this international collaboration between virtuosic Italian violinist Silvia Mandolini, and magik (Kenton Loewen, drums; Marina Hasselberg, cello; Giorgio Magnanensi, diffusion and live electronics). The evening will feature two world premieres: one...

MUSIC AS HONEY OF SOCIETY The INCROCI Orchestra is ready in the hall of the San Leonardo theater, waiting for the conductor to begin the performance with his gesture. The hand that will lead the orchestra for the AngelicA international music festival along a 55-minute journey is Giorgio Magnanensi’s. Erroneous would be to think that the listening experience, of which the audience...

six sound objects SCORE for the Plastic Acid Orchestra with the Lions Gate Youth Orchestra, and François Houle, clarinet & electronics video by Angela Stearns This piece is an homage to live sound making, the energy and power of imagination and the sheer beauty of sharing sound and sound-thinking together with a large group of young, passionate and committed musicians. The nature of this...

art signified I’m very happy I’ll be playing again with the great Kenton Loewen On October 4 • PSYCHFEST at Red Gate • after 10pm Though, make sure to check it all as psych fest will go on day and night with a fantastic lineup of great sound-psyched people Here is Sab Kay‘s great poster ...

Here is another theatre for the ear with some frantic noises and stuttering beats. I love the animated plots of these useless waves, they remind me of continuously avoiding to assert “a” will, or any formal path, relying instead on the bare existence and presence of sound and light: the audible and fluid immanence of being and time. For Nancy Lanthier’s listening eyeballs ;...

On May 16 I will be in Halifax playing at Suddenly Listen‘s Waves, Strings and Wires with Norman Adams – cello, live processing John DS Adams – electronics Lukas Pearse – bass, video processing I am really looking forward to meeting Norman, John and Lukas this May in Halifax. I look forward to the different ways in which our creative process will unveil itself while...

a great book by Joe Morris Perpetual Frontier / The Properties of Free Music describes the way free music is constructed through the processes of synthesis, interpretation, and invention. With descriptive sections of four seminal methodologies Unit Structures, Harmolodics, Tri-Axium Theory, and European Free Improvisation, as well as sections on how specific...

Parma Manifesto (1968) (written for the appearance of M.E.V. in a happening organized by Jean-Jacques Lebel at the Festival Internazionale del Teatro Universitario, Parma in March, 1968) In times of emergency men find it possible to perform operations necessary to survival without bureaucracy, police, money, and the other obstacles which normally obstruct the way to efficient behavior. In such moments the organism, acted upon...

an ensemble of composers performing together for the first and last time al fresco • primo incontro, ultimo incontro Takashi Niigaki piano, Takuro Shibayama violin, Yasuharu Fukushima cello, Sunao Isaji voice, Giorgio Magnanensi live electronics Tokyo College of Music • Tokyo, May 25, 1998 mp3...