Happy Holidays! (…this is for Bradshaw) Here below a series of frames processed with a pixel sorting and a 3D jitter patch. For the 3d images use RED&CYAN glasses, Frames captured from a simulation of galaxy formation‘s video found on the ILLUSTRIS website. galax 1 galax 2 galax 3 galax 4 galax 5 galax 6 galax 7 galax 8 galax 9 galax 10 galax 3d1 galax 3d2...
Happy New Year! Buon Anno! A tutti gli amici, vicini e lontani. To all my friends, near and far away. For a fuller life, where artistic behaviours would fully restore what neither politics or religion will never achieve. Potentiality, lots of work, butterflies, work for love, work for poetry, the beauty of any language, voice, sound, person and imagination. Love to all! Giorgio ...
Here is the first finished Spun Spectra light/audio box! Spun Spectra audio-visual show is physically coming together finally! A million hurdles and cruxes and mistakes and struggles have happened along the way to get here, but that’s what these ‘new’ projects are about, figuring things out from square one. Learning. This is the first of what will be 20+ cedar framed light-sound boxes...
soundgarden, an audio visual installation by Giorgio Magnanensi and Nicolas Teichrob along the lower reaches of Malcolm Creek, in Roberts Creek. An interactive performance environment using multiple video projections, live interactive video and live electronics. soundgarden, an audio visual interactive installation I’m doing in late June/early July with Giorgio Magnanensi (a sound wizard). !#teaser #sunshinecoastbc #robertscreek #nature #bcac A video posted by NicolasTeichrobPhoto...
The enhanced drone of my hotel room at 4am interiority… I believe that’s about the inability to talk about the things we wish we could but we can’t really express; things we try to express, communicate, project in a sentimental way, where sentimentality doesn’t really represent the inexplicable and it’s just a faint illusory form of it. What I’m trying...
Extreme modding of Astrocade ROMs. It must be an age thing that make me love the rawness of these pixels so much; but if you need more virtuality, put on a pair of RED & CYAN 3D glasses and project it on any large/not flat surface available, with very loud and diffused sound. ...
Here is a nice glitched video after hacking a codec. Thank you Nick Briz for the GlitchCodec Tutorial and for sharing your thoughts and tools. “If nature has made any one thing less susceptible than all others of exclusive property, it is the action of the thinking power called an idea, which an individual may exclusively possess as long as he keeps...
streaming images into Jiitter from this NASA Earth Observatory site, check all their beautiful aerial images “A week after it first began erupting, Chile’s Puyehue-Cordón Caulle volcanic complex continued to emit a steady stream of ash. This false-color satellite image shows the eruption’s ash plume on the morning of June 11, 2011. At the time, the Joint Air Force & Army Weather Information Network...
FM to video ναυσίη (nausiē), noise, bruit, rumore, geräusch… il rumore è l’alter ego, Ianus Bifrons la pietra filosofale: a golden stone is still a stone. […] After 1948, through the years of Communist revolution in my native country, I saw the eminent role played by lyrical blindness in a time of Terror, which for me was the period when “the poet...
experiment Ia live visual experiment for Form Archimage by Howard Bashaw, Piano Marc Couroux. I’m starting to experiment with some visuals to perform live on this great piano solo piece by Howard Bashaw. I don’t know if and when we will be able to do this but at this moment I’m just having fun experimenting with various jitter patches and preparing more for a possible...
added random resonant filters …thinking about a project with this patch on a highly diffused audio system (16 or more) and an immersive video projection on layered transparent screens…just sine waves and filters, and a couple of oscilloscopes in between… I need to ask Chris to play with me his beautiful sines… ...
sounds for Joost Rekveld’s lichenometry live remix of 24 sound files, live electronics and circuit bent TI S&M performed live at the VNM Festival • October 23, 2010 Most of the soundfiles were generated using Joost’s clips as raw material again, and read as a video matrix triggering various self-generative audio-video synthesizers in Max/Msp Jitter. While listening you can watch the 7 clips from...