Coming soon! sound crystals / -H A new installation/project part of Leaning Out of Windows January 25- February 8, 2018 at the ECUAD new building. Thank you to RANDY LEE CUTLER + INGRID KOENIG for inviting me to be part of this exciting research project, and to Art Olin for his elucidations and fascinating work at TRIUMF ...

I have been working on this new installation/project as part of Leaning Out of Windows and finally I finished all the maple resonators and finalized the audio material. It will be presented January 25- February 8, 2018 at the ECUAD new building. Leaning Out of Windows (LOoW) is a four-year SSHRCC funded interdisciplinary art and science project, involving four phases between 2016 to 2020. It involves co-designing, curating,...