Honouring Iannis Xenakis and his visionary work on his 100th anniversary Check also META-XENAKIS for international events More minipolytopes HERE minipolytope 00 minipolytope 01 minipolytope 02 minipolytope 03 minipolytope 04 minipolytope 05 minipolytope 06 minipolytope 07 minipolytope 08 minipolytope 09 minipolytope 10 minipolytope 11 minipolytope 22 (per Chris Rolfe) ...

Roberts Creek, July 22-23 SOUNDGARDEN 2 info sonification of #9761: 9761 loop [Download] here some images from last year’s soundgarden and some comments “Quite simply, the soundgarden was magical. Giorgio and Nic animated a familiar moon-kissed forest stream nook into a hallucinatory theatre of perception. Carefully choreographed, immersive, interactive, contemplative, and generous, the work playfully encouraged us to unexpected...