some pixel carpets… sonification of image #4 below: images made with Adam Ferriss‘ Seeds (click on images below for full size) …and here some images after tweaking Seeds ...
another great image by Kedrick James enduring pixel sorting Drazil original image sorted 1 sorted 2 sorted 3 …and here is my best attempt so far using Jitter ...
a short glitched clip of one of Heather’s painting detail and 2 images made with processing slicing the clip’s frames and rearranging them in arrays ...
pixel sorting a watercolor card by Heather Gatz …a preview of a next experiment and a few tweaks on a Processing sketch by Generative Design Download pde code at the link below ...
original image thank you to the great community of artists and Processing coder for sharing algorithms, sketches and a load of great ideas; especially to Kim Asendorf, Jeffrey Thompson, Adam Ferriss, Julia Laub, Cedric Kiefer and Mick Kellogg. ...
a couple of details from To Read What Was Never Written, III by Kedrick James, after pixel-sorting process and more examples in Jitter using Optical Flow: ...