Here’s some explorations with the great Erd / Worm by Martin Howse Definitely one of my favorite modules so far View this post on Instagram A post shared by Giorgio Magnanensi (@giominz) View this post on Instagram A post shared by Giorgio Magnanensi (@giominz) View this post on Instagram A post shared by Giorgio...
…embracing chaos, emerging noise “Chapter Five, Composing We see emerging, piecemeal and with the greatest ambiguity, the seeds of a new noise, one exterior to the institutions and customary sites of political conflict. A noise of Festival and Freedom, it may create the conditions for a major discontinuity extending far beyond its field. It may be the essential element in a strategy for the...
…and to his magical instrument, the Blippoo Box View this post on Instagram A post shared by Giorgio Magnanensi (@giominz) View this post on Instagram A post shared by Giorgio Magnanensi (@giominz) “I have always considered sound a “material” to sculpt; thus I consider the “art” aspect of the Blippoo Box to consist of how it sculpts sound...
Going back 20 years tonight… These toys were already 25yo when I got them and they are still up and running after so long. I’m not sure what happened to all the circuitbenders active in Vancouver in the very early 2000’s, but meanwhile hacking electronics has been already expanding beyond that. In any case, this is nothing nostalgic, …we flow, as always, like leaves...