One last beautiful day in the forest with some beautiful sounds, caviidae, othoptera, sinewaves, pinknoise and with some friends playing together. A wonderful ending, hoping to be back in the forest very soon. Trees within trees, resonating trees… a really wonderful time breathing in and resounding within. We need to remember – every single moment – how this kind of beautiful lives really are...

for Kenton @kentonloewen, who has always known my passion for Electricity. ….though it sounds better in Italian, it is just a metaphor to give homage to electricity first, and give credit and love to everyone who like me love it. They all have been further inspiring me in adventuring further in so many ways. When there is no future, in spite of all the...

Five of Janice Wong‘s drawings inspired these resonant electronic miniatures. I worked on these images using various readings to generate counterpoints of sinewaves and resonant textures that follow and embody the transparent and spacious structures of Janice’s work. The sound was captured live in the room with 4 microphones. No speakers have been used as my setup includes only metal and wood resonators. – May...

This is for Nikki This old Max Msp Jitter patch is still one of my favorite instruments. Both visuals and sound are massaging my soul and brain reminding me how beautiful is letting go of your ego while bathing in the beauty of pure sonic vibrations without needing to express anything at all. Radicalizing: listening is attention, not apprehension; to listen is...

added random resonant filters …thinking about a project with this patch on a highly diffused audio system (16 or more) and an immersive video projection on layered transparent screens…just sine waves and filters, and a couple of oscilloscopes in between… I need to ask Chris to play with me his beautiful sines… ...