a must read: Sonic Thinking: A Media Philosophical Approach Edited by Bernd Herzogenrath Sonic Thinking (short excerpt from the Introduction) I would like to start with a set of resonances. First of all, a resonance on the word “resonance”—on the one hand it means something like “echo,” or “reverberation,” on the other hand, the word “reason” is somehow hidden in “resonance.” The French verb r.sonner makes this resonance...

I like this instagram clip by Anita. Yes, …still doing the “same thing!” (with François Houle, the PAO and the Lions Gate Youth Orchestra). …though never the same ; ) Saturady Jan. 30 • Centennial Theatre, great sonic dreams and reveries six sounds objects is not a piece of music, is about the energy and sheer beauty of a large group of people playing with...

PAO Saturday, January 30, 2016 at 8:00 pm With Guests Francois Houle, Jack Garton, Giorgio Magnanensi, Jason Nett and the Lions Gate Youth Orchestra. Join Plastic Acid Orchestra for a spectacular full symphony concert that breaks through genres from folk, rock, experimental and metal. Featuring special guests Francois Houle, Jack Garton, Giorgio Magnanensi and Jason Nett. The show features original compositions from Plastic Acid,...

Geoffrey Smedley is a fantastic artist living on Gambier Island, very near where I live. A wonderful man of wondrous skills and fantastic vision. Finally he is online with a great website. “I am not alone in thinking that one can only know, understand, and take possesion of that which one has oneself made.” (Geoffrey Smedley) Geoffrey’s work is not only beautiful but...

Morton Feldman and Iannis Xenakis In conversation (for full text click the title above) excerpt: […] Xenakis: There are three reasons why I use quarter-tones. The first reason is to enrich the sound with the beats that they produce and with the impossibility to distinguish pitches when they are very close, especially when you have many string instruments because they are able...

…a beautiful color… ansia, rumore, sogno anxiety, noise, dream Banff International Workshop in Jazz and Creative Music, The Banff Centre • June 5, 2010 maps and shadows is a sound garden for an ensemble of beautiful and creative people, a coming community: Noel Brennan drums, Jihye Kim voice, Mike Morrisseau guitar, Anna Okenev violin, Neil O’Loghlen bass, Leonardo Piantino saxophone, Katie Rife vibraphone, Richard Savery bass clarinet, Alex...