View this post on Instagram A post shared by Giorgio Magnanensi (@giominz) View this post on Instagram A post shared by Giorgio Magnanensi (@giominz) View this post on Instagram A post shared by Giorgio Magnanensi (@giominz) View this post on Instagram A post shared by Giorgio Magnanensi (@giominz) View...

Music is more than an object of study: it’s a way of perceiving the world; a tool of understanding… [it is] thus necessary to imagine radically new theoretical forms, in order to speak to new realities. Music, the organization of noise, is one such form. It reflects the manufacture of society; it constitutes the audible waveband of the vibrations and signs that make up...

for Tetsuji @ JMT Synth Tetsuji’s instruments are wonderful. Created with elegance and precision, they all sound incredible and full of character. They are definitely among my favourite at this time, and I greatly enjoy playing and discovering with them. More video with Tetsuji’s intruments HERE A YouTube Playlist for NDE-1 sounds and other JMT instruments is HERE with Nonexistent...

Quadrantid Swarm driven by Reaktor via MIDI Quadrantid Swarm driven by MaxMSP pitch to MIDI (via mic input) …with sinewave drones in the background Quadrantid Swarm driven by MaxMSP pitch to MIDI …with Zeitgeist Quadrantid Swarm MIDI driven by MaxMSP Jitter …and prepared piano (motion to MIDI to sound)...

A few years ago I started using wood boards from mill waste to build both resonators and touch interfaces. I find the touchboards to be a great tool to allow a certain kind of flow,… or maybe ’embodied resonance’. gesti e figure con mani L’ornamento è attributo della creativitá, gesto e figura / gesture and figure Within the ornament, its own origin becomes infinitely...