We are all relatives’ when taken as a methodological tool for obtaining knowledge means that we observe the natural world by looking for relationships between various things in it . . . and the total set of relationships makes up the natural world as we experience it. This concept is simply the relativity concept as applied to a universe that people experience as alive...
Here’s where I’m at the beginning of this year, engaging with the materiality of sonic systems, extending mind and body while practicing movements with the purpose of making music, …or simply producing sonic matter. Focusing on this kind of instruments as source of and inspiration for an embodied sonic activity has kept me away and free from any need of (self-) expression; and being...
Crow Stone Tone Poem (2016-2020) by Julie Andreyev and a crow Interpreted and performed by Giorgio Magnanensi And here’s a recent performance of the piece at Emily Carr University: A collaboration with a free-living crow who lives in the territory that includes my home. This project is based on interspecies play using stones, initiated by the adult crow who gifted me a...