As I’ve been working with oscilloscopes for some time and having fun with them, I’ve created the new category Oscilloscope fun to collect the various experiments and fun oscilloscope videos I made so far. I’ve been using real oscilloscopes and software based ones. The old CRT Tektronix oscilloscopes are always my favorite, but some great results can also be obtained using other resources in Max Msp Jitter,...

Another fun plot* of circles and squares (spheres & cubes) plus some noisy characters, on the Tektronix. This is for David Henderson-Hean, and hopefully he’ll see it live in action soon. Audio is directly from the room, so not really great. *) Two separate stereo channels overlapping on the CRT of a Tektronix 564 ...

Piece written for the Penderecki String Quartet and dedicated to Chris Rolfe. For string quartet, live electronics and audio visualization with a dual channel oscilloscope. From the concert at the 2009 Open Ears Festival of Music and Sound in Kitchener – Waterloo Ontario Watch Part 2 HERE ...