solo • duo • solo UNVO 2 with KD2 UNVO 2 with RGB LED & mini solar panels UNVO 2 con mani UNVO 2, touchboard & sitka resonators View this post on Instagram A post shared by Giorgio Magnanensi (@giominz) UNVOLIGHTS noise garden 01 noise garden 02 騒 (noise garden 04) assemblage ...
A few years ago I started using wood boards from mill waste to build both resonators and touch interfaces. I find the touchboards to be a great tool to allow a certain kind of flow,… or maybe ’embodied resonance’. gesti e figure con mani L’ornamento è attributo della creativitá, gesto e figura / gesture and figure Within the ornament, its own origin becomes infinitely...
We finally started our research and experiments with the interactive floor. After testing and experimenting for sometime with a variety of smaller settings, this is finally a prototype for a possibly larger floor and walls system that I look forward to developing with Josh Martin, and sharing it with everyone in the near future. ...
Noise is the alter ego, Ianus Bifrons. The philosopher’s stone: a golden stone is still a stone. This work is a short ode to things I hold dear in my life: our beautiful planet, friendship, love and imagination. Musical communication only exists on a purely emotional level. Emotionality is immanent; expression is definitely linked to the instant, instant is unpredictably transcendent. Dedicated to...
Testing a prototype floor/touch board, to use with dancers in a future project I’ll expand this to a 5’x8′ floor with at least 2 piezos to drive Max/MSP, and possibly run multichannel audio out in 8 wood resonators. It should be pretty fun and engaging both to use and watch/listen. …hopefully sometime in a not too distant future : ) …with the blippoo box...
Crow Stone Tone Poem (2016-2020) by Julie Andreyev and a crow Interpreted and performed by Giorgio Magnanensi And here’s a recent performance of the piece at Emily Carr University: A collaboration with a free-living crow who lives in the territory that includes my home. This project is based on interspecies play using stones, initiated by the adult crow who gifted me a...
for Chris Rolfe ναυσίη (nausiē), noise, bruit, rumore, geräusch… il rumore è l’alter ego, Ianus Bifrons la pietra filosofale: a golden stone is still a stone. ansia rumore sogno ******* No speakers used in this set, only 2 sitka spruce resonators and a plate reverb with touch boards (plywood & douglas fir bark), blippoo box, Max/MSP and Bare Conductive sensors. Live recording –...
Here a few clips of my new Douglas Fir Touch-Board, equipped with a piezo to drive Max MSP Jitter and a Bare Conductive Touch Board with added metal sensors (last clip at 4′:05”). I’m having a lot of fun playing wih this bark! View this post on Instagram A post shared by Giorgio Magnanensi (@giominz) ...
3 short improvisations using touch on a sitka spruce cloud with piezo to trigger various kinds of audioprocessing in a max msp patch. …and here below using a plywood board …”dream machine” driven by plywood View this post on Instagram A post shared by Giorgio Magnanensi (@giominz) View this post on Instagram A post shared by Giorgio...